We are now preparing the talks for next session, the first of which is given above.
The Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow was formed in 1802 when the term “philosophy” meant knowledge in the broadest sense. The Society provides stimulating lectures and discussion covering all areas of knowledge including humanities, science and current affairs.
Non-members are very welcome to attend the lectures and the post lecture reception (suggested donation at the door £3.00).
Watch our short 220th anniversary video to find out more about the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow.
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Recent News

Members’ visit to a sister organisation, the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society, May 2025
In partnership with a sister organisation – Manchester Lit & Phil – we are planning a trip to Manchester in May 2025.

The 223rd AGM took place on March 19th, the final meeting for this session.
One new Council member was elected (Aileen Walker). The current Council comprises of thirteen members. Details of current Council members […]

What has happened to the democratic intellect? The neglect of knowledge in Scottish educational policy – Professor Lindsay Paterson
The quality of Scottish school education is “not what we’d want it to be.” Also, “The quality of the analysis of the Scottish educational system is abysmal.” Attainment levels in our schools at all levels are falling
Our History
The Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow was founded in 1802 “to aid the study, diffusion, and advancement of the arts and sciences with their applications”.