President’s Address – Sanitation and Social Economics; an Object LessonJames B Russell, BA, MD, LL.D XXI18891
Electrification Air by CombustionMagnus Maclean, MA, FRSE and Makita Goto XXI188922
Note on Nerve CellsWilliam Snodgrass, MA, MB5 February 1890XXI189030
On the Relationships which the Perihelia of Comets Bear to the Sun’s Line of Flight in SpaceHenry Muirhead, MD, LL.D5 February 1890XXI189033
On Fiji: Past and PresentJames Blyth28 April 1890XXI189037
On Some Consideration of Asia Minor and its EthnologyRev. Hugh Callan, MA28 April 1890XXI189051
Graham Lecture – On the Basicity of AcidsA Crum Brown, MA, MD, DSc, FRS, FRSE, FCS, FIC5 March 1890XXI189069
On the Conversion of Ordinary Gas Shades into Regenerative LampsDaniel R Gardner XXI188992
The Territorial Expansion of the British Empire During the Last Ten YearsThomas Muir, LL.D XXI188998
Note on the Alteration of the Index of Refraction of Water with TemperatureGeorge E Allan5 February 1890XXI1890126
On Horticulture, Villa Gardening and Open Spaces in Large Centres of IndustryD M’Lellan XXI1890128
Notes on the Hydrostatic Arrangements in the Horse’s HoofT F Macdonald, MB XXI1890138
On Public Lighting by ElectricityHenry A Mavor19 March 1890XXI1890142
Cyanotype Reproductions of SeaweedsWilliam Lang, jun., FCS XXI1889155
On Club Mosses, Past and PresentF O Bower, DSc, FLS30 April 1890XXI1890158
On the Reclamation of Waste Lands in the Clyde Estuary, Considered in Relation to the Disposal of the Sewage of GlasgowAlexander Frew, CE XXI1889173
Glimpses into Teutonic AntiquityProfessor Georg Fiedler, PhD8 January 1890XXI1890189
On Electrical OscillationsOliver J Lodge, DSc, LL.D, FRS16 April 1890XXI1890216
Report of Sections 30 April 1890XXI1890225
Report of Delegate of British Association Meeting – Newcastle, 1889 30 April 1890XXI1890229
Minutes of Session  XXI 232
Annual Report of Council – Session 1888-89  XXI 233
Report of Library Committee  XXI 235
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account for 1888-89  XXI 236
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund – Treasurer’s Account  XXI 238
Science Lectures Association Fund – Treasurer’s Account  XXI 239
Office-Bearers of the Society  XXI 252
Committees Appointed by the Council  XXI 253
Office-Bearers of Sections  XXI 254
Additions to the Library  XXI 257
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XXI 260
List of Periodicals Received  XXI 264
List of Members for 1889-90  XXI 266
Index  XXI 278
President’s Address – On Some of the Problems of Modern PhysiologyJohn G M’Kendrick, MD, LL.D XXII18901
Memoir of Henry Muirhead, MD, LL.DHenry Dyer, MA, DSc, CE XXII189022
A Problem in Ventilation by HeatW P Buchan XXII189031
On the Gravimetric Composition of WaterW Dittmar, LL.D, FRS, FRSE, and J B Henderson XXII189033
Chronological Tables of Scientific Men, Showing the Names of the More Distinguished Anatomists and Physiologists and their ContemporariesJohn G M’Kendrick, MD, LL.D, FRSS XXII189087
The Oyster Fishery of ScotlandJ H Fullarton, MA, DSc7 January 1891XXII1891110
An Art Museum: Its Structural RequirmentsJames Paton, FLS XXII1891128
The Relations of Thomas Carlyle to Political EconomyJames Bonar XXII1890139
On LanguageF Max Muller, MA21 January 1891XXII1891157
Iceland: Some Sociological and Other NotesProfessor James Mavor4 February 1891XXII1891174
Some Experiments on the Viscosity of AirJames Erskine Murray XXII1890199
On the Physiological Action of Carbon Monoxide of NickelJohn G M’Kendrick, MD, FRS and William Snodgrass, MA, MB29 April 1891XXII1891204
The Progress of Sanitation, with Special Reference to the Sanitary Condition of our Public Schools (Summary)W P Buchan XXII1891217
An Inquiry into the Nature of HeredityWilliam Wallace, MA, MB, CM, LDS1 April 1891XXII1891227
The Anglo-Saxon Poem of Beowulf in the Light of Present StudiesCharles Annandale, MA, LL.D29 April 1891XXII1891240
Some Electrical Properties of FlamesMagnus Maclean, MA, FRSE and Makita Goto XXII1891255
The Great Winter: A Chapter in GeologyDougald Bell15 April 1891XXII1891261
Giphantie: A Remarkable Forecast of Photography in 1760William Lang, jun., FCS XXII1890284
The Optical Lantern in Class-room WorkArchibald Barr, DSc, M Inst CE18 March 1891XXII1891287
Remarks on the First Edition of the Chemical Writings of Democritus and Syesius, Part IIJohn Ferguson, LL.D, FRSE, FSA XXII1890295
The Meteorological Results of the “Challenger” Expedition in Relation to Physical GeographyAlexander Buchan, MA, LL.D29 April 1891XXII1891305
Memoir of the late Mr Alexander Whitelaw 15 April 1891XXII1891311
Abstracts of Professor Blyth’s Communications  XXII 315
Reports of Sections 29 April 1891XXII1891316
Minutes of Session  XXII 320
Report of Council for Session 1889-90  XXII 321
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1889-90  XXII 324
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  XXII 326
Science Lectures Association Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  XXII 327
Report of the Library Committee  XXII 328
Office-Bearers of the Society  XXII 340
Committees Appointed by the Council  XXII 341
Office-Bearers of Sections  XXII 342
Additions to the Library  XXII 345
Books Purchased – 1890-91  XXII 348
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XXII 349
List of Periodicals Received  XXII 355
List of Members for 1890-91  XXII 357
Index  XXII 369
Presidential Address – Human Muscle as a Transformer of EnergyJohn G M’Kendrick, MD,LL.D, FRS XXIII18911
On Limes and CementsAlexander M’Ara XXIII189124
How Our Bones GrowJohn Cleland, MD, DSc, FRS XXIII189155
The Scientific Cultivation of the SensesW Anderson Smith20 January 1892XXIII189267
The Sewage Problem in Villages and Small TownsGilbert Thomson, MA, CE30 March 1892XXIII189276
Women’s WagesWilliam Smart, MA XXIII189187
Progress of School Building in GlasgowJohn M’Math XXIII1891106
The Rural Economy of Scotland in the Time of BurnsJames Colville, MA, DSc16 March 1892XXIII1892120
On the First Edition of the Chemical Writings of Democritus and Synesius. Part IIIProfessor John Ferguson, MA, LL.D, FSA, FCS XXIII1891153
The Origin of the Faust LegendAlexander Tille, PhD XXIII1892168
On Telephone Switchboards: being Principally a Description of the New Telephone Exchange, GlasgowWilliam Aitken27 April 1892XXIII1892185
Warming and Ventilation of Public Buildings, With or Without Motive PowerJ D Sutcliffe18 January 1892XXIII1892196
Manufacture of Oxygen by Brins’ Process, Compressing Gases in Cylinders, &c.Henry Brier, MIME XXIII1891212
Some Elementary Facts Regarding the Foci of Lenses, with Special Reference to Dallmeyer’s New Tele-Photograhic LensJohn Brown, BSc, CE13 April 1892XXIII1892225
On the Causes of the Spread of Pulmonary Consumption and Other Tubercular DiseasesEben Duncan, MD30 March 1892XXIII1892237
Fogs: a Review of our Present Position Regarding themW Ernest F Thomson, MA, MB3 February 1892XXIII1892257
Memoir of the late Sir Andrew Ramsay, FRSJohn Young, MD20 January 1892XXIII1892281
On the late John MossmanThomas Gildard14 March 1892XXIII1892291
Memoir of the late Professor Dittmar, LL.D, FRS, FRSECharles A Fawsitt, FRSE, FCS27 April 1892XXIII1892303
Report of Sections 27 April 1892XXIII1892311
Minutes of Session  XXIII 314
Report of Council for Session 1890-91  XXIII 315
Report of Library Committee  XXIII 317
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1890-91  XXIII 318
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1890-91  XXIII 320
Science Lectures Association Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – 1890-91  XXIII 321
Office-Bearers of the Society  XXIII 332
Committees Appointed by the Council  XXIII 333
Office-Bearers of Sections  XXIII 334
Additions to the Library  XXIII 336
Books Purchased – 1891-92  XXIII 339
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XXIII 341
List of Periodicals Received  XXIII 347
List of Members for 1891-92  XXIII 350
Index  XXIII 362
Some Recent Experiments with a Ruhmkorff CoilMagnus Maclean, MA, FRSE XXIV18921
Reformed Public Houses: Notes Upon the Scandinavian Licensing Systems, and the Bishop of Chester’s Recent ProposalsJohn Mann jun., MA, CA XXIV18929
The Geography and Ethnology of Mashonaland, with a Brief Account of the Ruins of ZimbabweRobert M W Swan XXIV189229
Recent Developments of the Hamilton CoalfieldRobert Thomas Moore, BSc,25 January 1893XXIV189351
On a New System of Firing Pottery-Ware, by the Use of Gaseous FuelW F Murray19 April 1893XXIV189364
On the Elements of ProfitSheriff Mark Davidson XXIV189373
Comparative Tests of Hellesen and E.C.C. Dry Battery CellsProfessor Jamieson, MInst.CE, FRSE22 March 1893XXIV189389
The Education of the Deaf and (So called) DumbJames Kerr Love, MD and W H Addison8 February 1893XXIV1893117
Memoir of the late Dr Robert Grant, FRSProfessor William Jack, LL.D5 April 1893XXIV1893139
Exploration of the Amazonian Provinces of Central PeruAlexander Ross, FRGS5 April 1893XXIV1893148
Lord Kelvin’s New Electricity MetersAndrew W Meikle, MA XXIV1892170
The Light Sense in Relation to NavigationFreeland Fergus, MD22 March 1893XXIV1893177
On Special Applications of the TelephoneWilliam Aitken19 April 1893XXIV1893184
Notes of a Mining Engineer’s Visit to South AfricaAlexander George Moore, MA, BSc, ME19 April 1893XXIV1893190
Obituary of W R W SmithJ B Russell, MD, LL.D XXIV1893206
Obituary of Sir Michael Connal  XXIV1893211
The late Professor James Thomson, LL.D, DSc, CE, FRSJ T Bottomley, MA, DSc, FRS XXIV1893220
Obituary of John Jex Long  XXIV1893237
On the Planning of Public Libraries (Abstract)G Washington Browne, Assoc. RSA30 January 1893XXIV1893240
Reports of Sections, Session 1892-3 3 May 1893XXIV1893253
Minutes of Session, 1892-93  XXIV 257
Report of Council for Session 1891-92  XXIV 259
Report of the Library Committee  XXIV 261
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account, Session 1891-92  XXIV 262
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1891-92  XXIV 264
The Science Lectures Association Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1891-92  XXIV 265
Office-Bearers of the Society  XXIV 277
Committees Appointed by the Council  XXIV 278
Office-Bearers of Sections  XXIV 279
Additions to the Library  XXIV 281
New Books Recently Added to the Library by Purchase  XXIV 282
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XXIV 285
List of Periodicals Received in Reading Room  XXIV 291
List of Members for 1892-93  XXIV 294
Index  XXIV 306
On the Work of the Philosophical and Other Scientific SocietiesProfessor John Ferguson, LL.D, FRSE, FCS, XXV18931
On Architecture as an ArtCampbell Douglas, RIBA XXV189315
Technical Education in Glasgow and the West of Scotland: a Retrospect and a ProspectHenry Dyer, CE, MA, DSc XXV189323
A Living WageWilliam Smart, MA, LL.D XXV189352
On the Report of Lord Herschell’s Committee on Indian CurrencyAlexander Macindoe XXV189371
On the “Paristagan” System of Building with ConcreteJohn Dougan XXV189390
Above the Snow-line in ScotlandGilbert Thomson, MA, CE10 January 1894XXV189498
Some Notes on the Place-names and Dialect of ShetlandDavid Ross, MA,BSc, LL.D24 January 1894XXV1894108
On the Glaciation of the West of ScotlandDugald Bell, FGS24 January 1894XXV1894118
On Sorghum Sugar Experiments in the United StatesT L Patterson, FCS, FIC7 February 1894XXV1894137
The Glasgow Building Regulations Act, (1892)George W Barras XXV1894155
The Apprentice QuestionJohn Inglis27 March 1894XXV1894170
On the First Edition of the Chemical Writings of of Democritus and Synesius. Part IVProfessor John Ferguson, LL.D, FSA, FCS XXV1893182
On the Abbeys and Cathedrals in ScotlandP MacGregor Chalmers, FSA5 March 1894XXV1894192
On Dynamo-Electric MachineryW B Sayers, MInst.EE21 March 1894XXV1894196
Some Important Sanitary ProblemsJames Chalmers, IA XXV1893208
Some Early Treatises on Technological ChemistryProfessor John Ferguson, LL.D FRSE, FCS2 May 1894XXV1894224
Reports of Sections, Session 1893-94 3 May 1894XXV 236
Minutes of Session, 1892-94  XXV 240
Report of Council for Session 1892-93  XXV 241
Report of the Library Committee  XXV 243
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account, Session 1892-93  XXV 244
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund: Abstract of Treasurer’s Account, Session 1892-93  XXV 246
The Science Lecture Association Fund: Abstract of Treasurer’s Account, Session 1892-93  XXV 247
Office-Bearers of the Society  XXV 259
Committees Appointed by the Council  XXV  
Office-Bearers of Sections  XXV  
Additions to the Library  XXV 263
New Books Recently Added to the Library by Purchase  XXV 264
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XXV 267
List of Periodicals Received in the Reading Room  XXV 273
List of Members for 1893-94  XXV 276
Index  XXV 288

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