In the wake of his tragic early death at 25, Keats was portrayed by his fellow poet Shelley as an ethereal frail flower. This lecture will look beneath the myth to reveal the real Keats, body and soul, in all his energy, vitality and complexity. It will explore how aspects of his life and personality – from his early medical training to his conflicted attitude to women – contributed to his poetic voice, and it will remind us quite how innovative that voice was at the time he first published.
John Keats: Body and Soul
Lucasta Miller
1 February 2023 Venue: Sir Charles Wilson Building, University of Glasgow
Address: University of Glasgow, 1 University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ
- at the corner of University Avenue and Gibson Street.
This lecture theatre is very atmospheric, as you can see in the picture above. It has all modern facilities but retains many original features in a beautifully refurbished church building. There are good public transport links, free parking very close by in the University grounds from 5pm, plus nice places to eat or drink before the lecture if you want to make a night of it.
The venue has a hearing loop which can be accessed via a hearing aid. The best reception for the loop can be achieved by audience members sitting in one of the front six rows.