Visit to Newcastle Upon Tyne – Monday 8 to Thursday 11 May 2023 – Draft Itinerary Staying at Gray Street Hotel

Monday – Leave Glasgow visiting  Hadrian’s Wall with conducted tour  and  a short walk to view  the Wall and Vindolanda Fort

Evening – talk on the history of Newcastle.

Dinner – members arrange themselves.

Vindolanda Fort


Morning – walking tour with visit to the Guildhall

Lunch – members organise their own

Afternoon – Free

Evening – evening tour of Durham Cathedral followed by drinks reception and evening meal.

Newcastle Guildhall


Morning – Visit to the Planetarium

Lunch – Members choose their own at the Museum café

Afternoon – visit to the Hatton Gallery and Trinity House complex

Evening – Drinks reception at the Literary and Philosophical Society library.

Private dinner at Topolino’s Italian restaurant with guests from the Lit&Phil.

Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society Library


Morning – Visit to Cragside, Morpeth,  Victorian house, gardens and woodland with lunch.

Afternoon – return to Glasgow

Cragside House

Travel and Costs

Travel will be by coach (with toilet) from Glasgow. Pick up points will be arranged.

Accommodation and breakfast for three nights at the Grey Street Hotel, Newcastle.


The cost for the four-day trips, including travel, three nights accommodation including breakfast plus some group meals as well as  entry fees and contributions to visits and speakers, will be £560 per person.


As members should already have received notice of these trips places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis

If you are interested in the trip and would like to put your name forward, please contact  stating the names of those wishing to go and whether you require a single, double or twin-bedded room.

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