A review of the talk by member Croy Thomson

The quality of Scottish school education is “not what we’d want it to be.” Also, “The quality of the analysis of the Scottish educational system is abysmal.” Attainment levels in our schools at all levels are falling behind those of other developed nations such as Japan, Poland and England. Today, “our cherished reputation [for education] rests on outdated circumstances.” Professor Paterson wasn’t holding back.
Around me there was much nodding as points were made. If we were being offered bad news, it was being interpreted as erudite confirmation of opinions long held.
At full gallop (I’d give the Professor 10/10 for passion and insightfulness; 5/10 for speaking too fast for my note-taking ability) we were whisked through the evolution of the once-vaunted Scottish educational apparatus, from the Reformation and the Parish System devised to help the populace read the Bible, to the present day’s controversial Curriculum for Excellence. “It will take 20 years to rectify 20 years of Curriculum for Excellence”. Ouch.
Professor Paterson detailed the country’s decline in academic standards and loss of appreciation of knowledge, a characteristic previously so ingrained in the nation’s psyche it was like a “sixth sense”.
“Knowledge is just knowledge: you need to know how to interrogate it, apply it and understand it.”
While previous generations were educated for the benefit of both the individual mind and society as a whole, now they simply systematically acquire academic knowledge. And that’s about it. Little or no encouragement of critical scrutiny. “Knowledge is just knowledge: you need to know how to interrogate it, apply it and understand it.”
“In the early 20th century, science could be seen as a way of improving vision, not as a way of creating miracles such as loaves and fishes.” Maths used to be viewed as a body of knowledge; now it merely helps solve specific problems. Students are no longer expected to read widely. We have abandoned rigorous academic challenge in order to accommodate the seemingly less able. We no longer encourage the linking of disparate subjects and problems. This was an SOS for the Common Good.
Professor Paterson ended his talk at 8:15, leaving 45 minutes for an expansive Q&A. The ever-inquisitive (inquisitorial?) Society crowd didn’t miss the opportunity, and launched into one of their sharpest Q&As. Topics covered included AI (“Let’s use it positively”), the impact of poverty on levels of opportunity (should financial restrictions stand in anyone’s way?), classroom indiscipline (“Protect the victims.”), and political interference in educational policy (“Deeply dangerous”). The speaker fielded questions in masterly style: attentively, animatedly and without hesitation. Top class.
The evening’s Chair, Dr Colin Miller, remarked that the talk had been, “an in-depth and perhaps troubling overview of Scottish education.” But be not despondent. Your humble reviewer personally knows that the current generation of teachers (full disclosure: four dominies in the family) are unstinting in their dedication to bringing out the best in Scotland’s schoolchildren, whatever obstacles may emerge. As Professor Paterson said, “Put teachers in charge, they know the problems”.

Lindsay Paterson is Professor Emeritus of Education Policy in the School of Social & Political Science, Edinburgh University. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Dr Colin Miller thanked Professor Paterson and presented him with a Society Paperweight. The talk will be available on line after March 19th.